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In the third instalment of the Innovation Special, we look at two innovative projects from Latvia and Cyprus, and their adaptation to changing...
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Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is an indigenous woman from the Mbororo pastoralist community in Chad. As nomadic cattle herders residing in...
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On 31 July 2020, UNESCO convened an online session during RightsCon 2020 to present the national assessment results and impacts of the Internet...
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Denis Yety, Waorani technician and Andrés Tapia, CONFENIAE communication manager, deliver copies of the booklet "Indications to prevent Coronavirus...
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Following the first two articles in the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Experts Speak interview series, two other MIL experts - from...
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Media and information literacy recognizes the primary role of information and media in our daily lives. It is at the heart of freedom of expression...
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Healthy democracy requires open communication. Independent and plural media are essential for a society where ideas and information flow freely –...
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UN Secretary-General António Guterres today launched the Education in the time of COVID-19 and beyond Policy Brief warning that the...
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It’s 6:30 a.m. in Abuja, the sun just bloomed on the horizon, golden petals stretching outwards, and the skies were sending signals to Nigerians to...
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© Springer Nature 2020
PROSPECTS Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment: Special Issue   Values, Knowledge and Curriculum in Global...
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