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Guidelines to Strengthen the Right to Education in National Frameworks
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
Paris | 2021 | 92 p.
ISBN 978-92-3-100428-5
Publié sous la direction de: 

These Guidelines aim to strengthen national frameworks by assisting countries and stakeholders in conducting an assessment of the compatibility of their national education legal and policy framework with international standard-setting instruments on the right to education, and in light of SDG 4 commitments. These Guidelines provide a hands-on approach aiming to assist in the review of national education legal and policy frameworks in view of:

  1. Developing practical knowledge on the right to education based on the Right to education handbook and supporting capacity development
  2. Providing operational tools to assess the status of the right to education at country level and its compatibility with international and regional human rights obligations and international commitments (notably SDG 4)
  3. Identifying legal and policy gaps in education at country level and resulting challenges
  4. Making recommendations for the full alignment of national constitutions, legislation , singular and policies with international standards and provisions
  5. Providing insights on how to implement the recommendations in view of necessary reforms.


Type de ressource: 
Instruments normatifs internationaux / documents politiques et de plaidoyer
Programmes d'études, matériel d'enseignement et d'apprentissage et guides
Droits de l'homme
Développement durable / durabilité
Niveau d'éducation: 
Éducation et protection de la petite enfance (EPPE)
Enseignement primaire
Enseignement secondaire
Enseignement supérieur
Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
Enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels (EFTP)
Éducation non formelle
human rights education
Right to education