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World Heritage Online Map Platform: Technical Note on the Provision of Geospatial Data
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
Paris | 2023 | 13 p.
Совместное авторство: 

UNESCO’s World Heritage Online Map Platform (WHOMP) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) developed with the support of the Government of Flanders (Belgium), aiming at the creation of a comprehensive and accessible geodatabase for World Heritage properties worldwide. This platform is hosted and managed by UNESCO which ensures that the data presented correspond exactly to the boundaries of the World Heritage properties and their buffer zones as inscribed in the World Heritage List, including any changes adopted by the World Heritage Committee after the initial inscription of a property.

Тип ресурса: 
Учебный план, учебно-методические материалы и руководства
Разнообразие / культурная грамотность / никлюзивность
Уровень образования: 
Неформальное образование
Ключевые слова: 
Cultural heritage
natural heritage
Geographical information systems
Digital platforms
Patrimoine culturel
Patrimoine naturel
Système d'information géographique
Plateforme numérique