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Teachers and Migrant Families: Pressing Communication (Iberoamerican Journal of Education; vol. 89, no. 1)
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
Madrid | 2022 | p. 77-92
ISSN 1022-6508; eISSN 1681-5653
Mohamed Chamseddine Habib Allah
Совместное авторство: 
Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI)
Европа и Северная Америка

This article presents the results of a study whose objective is to analyze the state of communication between migrant families and teachers in Early Childhood and Primary Education Centers in the Region of Murcia. Two questionnaires were chosen to develop a descriptive non-experimental quantitative research. The main results reveal that extracurricular activities are not part of the usual conversations between families and teachers. However, acceptable but improvable aspects are detected, such as delving into discipline issues, and student learning, etc. On the other hand, it is evident that the parents still do not go to visit the teachers on their own initiative to address the relevant elements of the teaching-learning process of their children.


Тип ресурса: 
Исследовательские работы / журнальные статьи
Глобализация и социальная справедливость / международное взаимопонимание
Разнообразие / культурная грамотность / никлюзивность
Уровень образования: 
Воспитание и образование детей младшего возраста (ВОДМ)
Начальное образование
Ключевые слова: 
migrant education
Refugees and migrants
social justice