This chapter provides a brief summary of the speeches presented at the official opening and closing ceremonies as well as presentations delivered by the experts of Life-Link and UNESCO staff at the two day workshop The sub-regional workshop for ASPnet National Coordinators and Life-Link Friendship Schools Programme, organized in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education, was constructed according to the following format: (i). An organizing Committee was formed comprising of staff from the Ministry of Education and UNESCO Amman Office and Chairperson of Life-Link Programme. The committee oversaw the organization, preparation of documentation, venue, draft agenda, logistic and procedural aspects of the workshop. (ii). The selection of participants for the workshop was done by the National Commissions for UNESCO to Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Oman and Jordan. The participating Arab Countries were selected by UNESCO Office-Amman and Life-Link. (iii).The selected participants comprised the National Coordinators and teachers for ASPnet in their countries. A member from Life-Link in Jordan was invited as an observer for the workshop. (iv).The resource persons (trainers) for the workshop were carefully selected on the basis of their expertise, experience and relevance to the main subjects of the workshop. The experts came from the Ministry of Education, Life-Link, UNESCO and UNRWA. (v). The format of the workshop was basically structured to firstly provide an overview and background of the Life-Link Friendship Schools Programme and ASPnet, followed by experts' presentations relevant to the main subjects of Life-Link Programme. The workshop also had three sessions of discussion on the different aspects of Life Link Programme. Participants were circulated to these sessions one after another. The workshop also had a session on how to plan for implementing peace actions as Extra Curricula Activities in schools. (vi). The ASPnet national workshop was organized under the patronage of his Excellency Dr. Khaled Toukan, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research and Chairman of the Jordan National Commission for UNESCO.