The webinar is organized by UNHCR and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, in the framework of the Norwegian Teacher Initiative: Strengthening Multi-Partner Cooperation to Support Teacher Policy and Improve Learning.
The increase in crises and emergencies affecting education around the world, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the rise in forced displacement, has demonstrated the need for thoughtful crisis-sensitive planning in education, including in national teacher policies. As frontline workers, teachers are best placed to support the learning and well-being of children and young people displaced by conflict or crisis and to prevent them from dropping out of school, provided that they themselves receive adequate support. Teachers can also play a key role in crisis-sensitive planning as long as they are properly trained, supported and equipped.
This webinar on Crisis-Sensitive Planning in Emergency and Displacement Situations will build on the Guidance Note on Developing a Crisis-Sensitive Teacher Policy, jointly developed by UNESCO, UNHCR, ILO, and UNICEF in 2020 under the Norwegian Teacher Initiative (NTI). It will highlight some of the key provisions needed to ensure that a teacher policy is also a crisis-sensitive policy. The webinar will also launch a consultation process to create a new module on Crisis-Sensitive Teacher Policy which will complement the Teacher Policy Development Guide developed by the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and French. If you have any questions about the webinar, contact berquin@unhcr.org.