As part of its Strategic Meeting on Democracy and Citizen Participation, the INM has set up an online information pack, the first contents of which you will find on this site.
A vast deliberative process, the Strategic Rendezvous aims to enlighten the people of Quebec on the current transformations of our democracy: a representative system that no longer responds, on its own, to the democratic requirement; a growing demand from certain citizens to participate in decisions that affect them; increasingly complex social issues and collective challenges, which public and private authorities must tackle; institutions forced to adapt quickly and continuously to a constantly changing world.
The Briefing Kit tackles these questions by providing basic notions of the concepts involved: democracy, participation, citizenship, etc. To questions frequently asked during public debates, the dossier offers some possible answers. It outlines, for the reader who wants to dive into it, definitions of the different types of citizen participation: public, electoral, social. In order to better understand what is practiced in Quebec in each of these categories, the reader will turn to The authorities of public participation in Quebec.
Are you a practitioner or would you like to deepen your knowledge of the practice of citizen participation? The Toolbox is here for you! It contains references, guides, methods and examples of experiences that will equip you to implement, in turn, participatory practices.