Global Summit for Peace Education
Location: UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms: Room II
Type: Cat VIII - Symposia
Arrangement type: In-Person
Language(s): French, Spanish, English
Our shared humanity is facing a series of interconnected challenges ranging from climate change and displacement to a surge in violent conflicts paralleled by a concerning rise of misinformation, intolerance, discrimination, and hate speech.
Through education we can renew our shared commitments for a world where peace is a reality that we live every day.
Education for peace – as outlined in the new Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development (2023) - positions peace as an active process that encompasses both “negative peace”, i.e., the absence of war, and “positive peace”, i.e. the absence of the causes of war.
Education for peace, including peace education, opens up the focus to look at the education system as a whole and its relationship with peace and conflict dynamics.
Within this broader framing inspired by The Recommendation, this summit will advocate for peace education to be a tool for social transformation.
The Summit will celebrate grassroots peace educators who work tirelessly every day with limited resources to bring peacebuilding skills to their communities, and it will provide a space for diverse actors, from governments and international institutions to educators, peacebuilders and grassroot organisations to share lessons, experiences, and innovative initiatives to address all affronts to long-lasting peace.
Summit delegates will include global representatives drawn from: