The OREALC / UNESCO Santiago and the UNESCO National Commission, the Regional Delegation for Cooperation in the Southern Cone and Brazil, the French Embassy in Chile, the Freedom of Expression Program of the Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile and the UNESCO Chair "Media and citizen participation" of the Universidad Diego Portales, commemorated the World Day for Press Freedom 2009 with the seminar "The challenges to build citizenship. Media as a platform for dialogue ", held on May 5, 2009 at the Central House of the University of Chile.
The meeting, with national and international guests, made it possible to reflect on and discuss the main issues -although not the only ones- that are currently in the hands of issues related to the promotion of pluralism and diversity; the challenges for journalism and the media in a context of high technological renewal and economic crisis; the lines of work in the matter for the design and execution of public policies, and research in communication. This publication collects the presentations of the speakers during the Seminar, as well as leaves testimony of the commitments assumed by the presidential candidates that we hope will become an agenda not only for the 2010-2014 administration, but also for the political sectors that represent each one of those who signed the document.