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Education events at the World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings
©World Bank / Simone D. McCourtie


The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund are holding their Spring Meetings this week in Washington to discuss issues of global concern, including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development and aid effectiveness.

Among the many seminars, briefings and press conferences, education will feature prominently several times throughout the week, in particular at a flagship event on Friday.


Learning matters: Why we need a learning revolution

Friday, April 12. 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Location: Preston auditorium, World Bank Headquarters
Watch live

The key education event will gather prominent education advocates and leaders, including Henrietta Fore from UNICEF, Allen Blue from Linkedin, Annette Dixon from the World Bank, Penny Mordaunt from DFID, Julia Gillard from GPE, Sigrid Kaag from the Netherlands, as well several ministers from developing countries (to be announced).

Together they will discuss how, following global progress in getting more children into classrooms, we can ensure that these children are learning. They will examine the promise of innovation and technology to make this goal a reality and to ensure entire country systems are geared toward delivering quality learning outcomes.

Please check the live page to get information on new panelists when they are confirmed and to submit questions for the panelists in advance of the event.

Other events on education or relevant to education are listed below chronologically. Note that the list is not exhaustive and new events may be added.

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Tuesday, April 9

CSO Forum: Inclusion, Social Accountability and Human Capital
3:00 - 4:30 pm – Room MC 8-100

The discussion will tackle these questions: to what extent have social accountability programs been successful in promoting greater inclusion and equity? Have social accountability interventions led to more equitable access to services or more inclusive human capital development? Are tools and methodologies currently available adequate to meet the challenge of inclusion?


Wednesday, April 10

Education Data Solutions Roundtable Technical Meeting
By invitation only

The members of the roundtable gather one last time to take stock of the progress over the past year since it was established and start shaping recommendations to address the data challenge in education in GPE partner countries.


The Economic and Social Case for Human Capital Investments
2:00 - 3:00 pm. Room: MC Building Preston Auditorium

The evidence is clear: Healthy, educated, skilled and resilient people drive economies. Smart and timely investments in nutrition, health, quality education, jobs and skills will yield the highest returns at this critical juncture in human history. This high-level panel will discuss the need for wide-reaching international collaboration on these critical issues, including how to create the right conditions to move the needle on more and better investments in people.

CSO Forum: Overcoming Obstacles to Educate Girls to Reduce Child Marriages and Improve Economic Opportunities for Women
4:00 – 5:30 Room: I 2-210

This session explores early marriage, period poverty, cultural customs and norms, refugee situations, and post-conflict communities that restrict girls’ access to education. It will also discuss strategies to remove the barriers that keep girls out of school and break the cycle of vulnerability and dependency.


Thursday, April 11

Building Human Capital in Africa: The Future of a Generation
9:30 - 11:00 am. Room: MC Building Preston Auditorium

Young people are crucial drivers of Africa’s economy and future. With 11 million youth expected to enter Africa’s labor market every year for the next decade, now is the time for urgent action to build and nurture the region’s human capital. This high-level event will provide a platform for African youth, leaders, and influencers to showcase their success stories and challenges, inspiring dialogue and change. The event will also mark the launch of the World Bank’s ambitious new Human Capital Plan for Africa.


#WriteTheWrongs Because Early Moments Matter 
10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Location: Ritz Carlton

UNICEF and TheirWorld are launching two new reports on learning in the early years and panelists will discuss why early childhood development are crucial. TheirWorld will introduce a new donor scorecard on early learning and pre-primary education and UNICEF will present a new global report title ‘A World Ready to Learn: Prioritizing Quality Early Childhood Education’.


CSO Forum: The Importance of Investing in Disability Inclusive Early Childhood Development
1:30 – 3:00 pm. Room: I 2-250

The session will address how to leave no child behind when learning starts, including through increasing disability-inclusive investment in early childhood development.


CSO Forum: Private Provision of Education through PPPs
3:30 – 5:00 pm. Room: I 2-250

This event will present a new report exploring World Bank policy and programmatic support for public-private partnerships that fund private education provision. It will discuss the newly adopted Abidjan Principles and application of human rights standards.

For more information and to get the latest locations, timings and panelists, please check the overall meeting program.


