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7th Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship
تاريخ الفعالية: 
أحد, 2019/06/09 يوم الانتهاء أحد, 2019/06/16
© North-South Centre


The 7th Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship focusing on “Youth and Justice” will be held in Tunisia, 9-16 June 2019.

The Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship is an activity organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in cooperation with the National Youth Observatory of Tunisia and in partnership with other international youth-led and youth serving organisations of the Network on Youth and Global Citizenship.

Since 2013, the Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (MedUni) gathers representatives of youth organisations and youth movements to discuss, train and be trained around issues of democratic participation and global citizenship.


Specific objectives

  • To provide training and capacity building for young people and youth organisations;
  • To promote youth work and youth participation in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean;
  • To foster political mainstreaming of youth related issues and youth policy development in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean based on shared experiences, standards and mechanisms of the Council of Europe and in light of regional needs and quadrilogue initiatives;
  • To encourage participation of young people in decision and policy making by promoting their involvement and interaction in quadrilogue initiatives;
  • To foster Euro-Mediterranean youth co-operation as well as Global Youth Work, and foster the development of networks that can serve as trans-Mediterranean communities of practice;
  • To mainstream human rights, intercultural dialogue and democratic citizenship as essential dimensions of global education and the work with young people, in the framework of Euro-Mediterranean Youth Cooperation


