When, local time: Saturday, 15 June 2019 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Gabon, Libreville
Type of Event: Category 7-Seminar and Workshop
Contact: Juste Joris Tindy-Poaty, jj.tindy-poaty@unesco.org
UNESCO, in partnership with the United Nations System Coordination in Gabon and the United Nations Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), is organizing, on 15 June 2019, a capacity-building session for pan-African youth networks and women for the culture of peace. The objective of this training is to contribute to the strengthening of the managerial capacities of the leaders of the National Coordination of the "Panafrican Youth Network for a Culture of Peace" and the national section of the "Panafrican Network of Women for a Culture of Peace". "In order to better structure these networks in Gabon.
In order to respond to its vocation of "maintaining international peace and security", the United Nations has always known, beyond governments, to solicit and mobilize peoples and individuals. The maintenance of peace and security in the world must indeed be a collective work. It is in this spirit that the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 53/243 of 6 October 1999 on the "Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace" called for the creation of a "Global Movement". favor of a culture of peace ".
For the Africa region, the call for the creation of a "Continental and Sustainable Movement for Peace" appears in the "Plan of Action for a Culture of Peace in Africa / Action for Peace" adopted at the Pan-African Forum "Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace" (Luanda / Angola: 26-28 March 2013); forum jointly organized by the Government of Angola, the African Union and UNESCO.
Echoing this call, networks of civil society organizations from Africa and the Diaspora have been established under the auspices of the African Union and UNESCO.
For example, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the "Network of Foundations and Research Institutions for Promoting a Culture of Peace in Africa" was created in September 2013, which now has more than 50 organizations. including UNESCO Chairs.
In December 2014, in Libreville (Gabon), the "Panafrican Youth Network for the Culture of Peace" was launched, consisting of about 60 organizations, including National Youth Councils.
In March 2014, the idea of creating a "Pan-African Women's Network for the Culture of Peace" was raised in Brussels (Belgium) at a forum for African women.
The realization of the project of the said "Pan-African Network for the Culture of Peace" was started, with the creation of its first national section, in Gabon, on June 18, 2018, during a constitutive general assembly, supported by the United Nations System in Gabon; constitutive general assembly which will have brought together 117 founding member associations.
Like some countries in the sub-region such as the Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon has, on February 23, 2019, a National Coordination of the "Panafrican Youth Network for the Culture of Congo". peace, "also thanks to a constitutive general assembly, also supported by the United Nations System. The National Coordination of the "Pan-African Youth Network for the Culture of Peace" brings together 31 organizations.
The present project "Support for Capacity Building of Pan-African Youth and Women's Networks for the Culture of Peace" is therefore a continuation of previous support of the United Nations System to the Gabonese representations of these networks. It will be an opportunity to give the leaders of the "Pan-African Youth Network for a Culture of Peace" and the "Pan-African Network for Women for a Culture of Peace" to (i) appropriate the history of the concept of "culture of peace", and in this way, to work for an appropriate and controlled use of the concept; (ii) to have an overview of existing funding opportunities within the United Nations System; and (iii) to obtain some basic tools for project development to be submitted to donors.
This project is part of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16 ("Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensuring access for all to justice and putting in place, at all levels of levels, effective, accountable and inclusive institutions ") while being a contribution to the celebration of the" Nelson Mandela Decade for Peace "(2019-2028); Decade proclaimed by Heads of State and Government, State and Government representatives, at United Nations Headquarters, on 24 September 2018, at the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit. This decade urges "all Member States [of the United Nations], during this period, to redouble their efforts for international peace, security, development and human rights".
Theme page:
Crisis Preparedness and Response
Culture of Peace and Non-violence