As part of its project to support education for democracy for young people in Tunisia, UNESCO has developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, CAWTAR, IADH, CNIPRE and UNI, a handbook on democracy for young people in Tunisia.
This handbook is composed of twenty factsheets illustrated with drawings by Plantu. It popularizes the standards and universal principles, as well as major international instruments that protect and emphasize the national legal framework, key issues and challenges and good practices in Tunisia. One of the comparative advantages of this module is the fact that it highlights local issues and ongoing legal reforms in Tunisia.
The present handbook has been developed as a pedagogical tool to help adult intermediaries (teachers, social educators etc…) responsible for the training of young people in school and community settings. It provides a series of exercises and situations to facilitate the learning and acquisition of knowledge in the field of democracy.
The contents of this guidebook develops an approach based on "the discovery by oneself" which offers to participants activities, exercises and situations that require the mobilization of resources and contents of the training handbook on democracy for young people in Tunisia.
Its use requires flexibility and creativity on the part of the trainer to enrich and/ or adapt the proposed exercises. It is in the light of the training context, prior knowledge of the concerned learners, the level of engagement of participants and according to thematic representations, that the trainer designs the training content.