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Strengthening collaboration to promote gender equality in education in Asia-Pacific
تاريخ الفعالية: 
خميس, 2020/10/08 يوم الانتهاء ثلاثاء, 2020/12/01

The landscape of gender equality in education has changed in the past decades and the COVID-19 pandemic has further affected gains. While there are reasons to celebrate in the region, there remain barriers to achieving the Education 2030 agenda.


When education resources and teacher-training programmes have not been developed through gender mainstreaming and are not available or encouraged equally for all genders, they often perpetuate gender inequalities. In this time of uncertainty, it is imperative to strengthen commitments to inclusive and equitable education and to retain and increase the gender gains.


UNESCO Bangkok has strengthened the Gender in Education Network in Asia-Pacific (GENIA), a network of gender focal points within ministries of education in Asia-Pacific. GENIA will support Ministries of Education mainstreaming gender and advancing gender-responsiveness in education planning, policy-making and content as well as teacher development.


In this context, UNESCO Bangkok is organizing the GENIA Online Regional Training on Gender Equality in and through Education between October and December 2020 for national gender focal points of Ministries of Education across Asia-Pacific region.


The training will strengthen the GENIA network to advance the achievement of SDG 4, in particular Target 4.5, and SDG 5. It provides a platform for gender focal points and education policy-makers and practitioners to share knowledge and experiences, and promote collaboration in the region.


When: From 8 October to 1 December 2020 (two hours per week), 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Bangkok time


Type of event: Online training via Zoom (closed to nominated participants)


Who: National gender focal points of Ministries of Education, education policy-makers and practitioners, UNESCO colleagues in Asia-Pacific


Language: English


Key documents & Training materials


For questions, please contact: genia@unesco.org


