The 46th issue of SangSaeng, “Ensuring Learning Outcomes,” has been released. With the Education 2030 Agenda emphasizing the role of measuring quality education outcomes, this fall edition of SangSaeng reviews the current assessment systems and introduces the ongoing struggles and endeavors in developing better measuring tools.
3 Director’s Message
4 Special Column
Learn to Live Together: Pillars of Education Start with Learn
8 Focus: Ensuring Learning Outcomes
8 Preparing Learners for a Different Future: Monitoring Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in the New Education Era
14 Monitoring Knowledge for Better Learning Outcomes: The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics’ Contribution to Global Citizenship and Its Measurement
18 Competences for Democratic Culture: A Council of Europe Project for Teaching and Assessing the Democratic Competence of Student
24 From 21st Century Competences to Global Citizenship and Global Competences
28 Special Report
Experiences and Difficulties of a Society: Developing Socio-cultural Skills of Kyrgyzstan Students
34 Best Practices
34 Embracing Sustainability: You Can Make a Difference
39 Student Empowerment through Values in Action (SEVA): Training Students to Express Opinions, Reflect, Critically Evaluate,
and Appreciate One’s Own Values and Those of Others
44 Letter
Be Global with a Compassionate Heart
46 Peace in My Memory
Food for Peace in the 21st Century
50 APCEIU in Action