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Teaching Students How to Learn: Setting the Stage for Lifelong Learning (Educational Practices Series No. 33)
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
Brussels; Geneva | 2021 | 52 p.
Stella Vosniadou; Michael J. Lawson; Helen Stephenson; Erin Bodner
Совместное авторство: 
UNESCO International Bureau of Education; International Academy of Education
Европа и Северная Америка

In this Teaching How to Learn booklet, teachers can find information about some of the cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, and motivational capabilities that characterise self-regulated learners, and some of the actions that teachers can take to promote self-regulated learning in their students. These include giving students time to engage in constructive tasks independently or in collaboration with their peers and providing them with the knowledge and strategies that they can use to manage their learning and control their motivation and emotions while they complete these tasks successfully.


Тип ресурса: 
Международные нормативные документы / политика и адвокационные документы
Учебный план, учебно-методические материалы и руководства
Трансформативные инициативы / трансформационная педагогика
Уровень образования: 
Обучение на протяжении всей жизни
Ключевые слова: 
Lifelong learning
Independent learning
Self-regulated learning
teaching methods
Learning methods