This study aims to clarify the important of the development of human resources in its various dimensions for companies specially the Algerian ones, by providing human resources with knowledge, skills and experience and improving their behavior, which help them to do their work and develop their performance, then provide an added value to the company where they work, This study focused on the reality of the application of the various dimensions of human resources development (training, learning, empowerment, career development) in the Eastern Company of Electricity and Gas Distribution – Unit of Tebessa. In order to answer the problem posed and to test the main hypothesis, the quantitative approach was adopted through a questionnaire that was distributed to a simple random sample of 234 employees of the company, representing 47.17% of the total population of the study. The collected data was analyzed using the Spss V25 program, The study concluded that the level of application of human resources development in its various dimensions in the Eastern Company of Electricity and Gas Distribution – Unit of Tebessa is good, although there is a discrepancy in the application of these dimensions, which ranged between high and medium.