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Revision Process of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Compilation of Member State Comments
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
Paris | 2023 | 384 p.
Совместное авторство: 

Adopted in 1974, the Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms is considered a landmark legal instrument that brings together for the first time peace, international understanding, human rights, fundamental freedoms and education.


As per Circular letter 4401, the preliminary report and the first draft of the revised 1974 Recommendation were transmitted to Member States for their written comments and observations. These written comments were taken into consideration by the Director-General when preparing the revised second draft of the Recommendation to be discussed at the Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting (Category II), in view of its submission to the 42nd session of the General Conference in November 2023 and eventual adoption.

Тип ресурса: 
Конференции и программные доклады
Общество / гражданство / демократия
Право человека
Глобализация и социальная справедливость / международное взаимопонимание
Мир / культура мира
Устойчивое развитие / устойчивость
Уровень образования: 
Воспитание и образование детей младшего возраста (ВОДМ)
Начальное образование
Среднее образование
Высшее образование
Обучение на протяжении всей жизни
Техническое и профессиональное образование и подготовка (ТПОП)
Неформальное образование
Ключевые слова: 
international education
civic education
international understanding
human rights education