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Gender and Recovery Toolkit: Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Crisis and Recovery Settings; Updated 2024
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
New York | 2024 | 153.p.
Совместное авторство: 


The Gender and Recovery toolkit is a practical resource in the hands of UNDP personnel to help government, civil society and other partners put gender equality at the core of immediate and long-term recovery processes. It shows how to incorporate gender perspectives and women’s participation throughout the recovery programme cycle – from assessment, strategic planning and framing of results to budgeting and implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.The toolkit emphasizes the need to address the root causes of gender inequality and fragility by transforming power dynamics. It advocates for approaches that go beyond increasing women’s representation, focusing on tackling masculinities and reshaping institutions, behaviors, and norms. It underscores the importance of holistic strategies to address the interconnected challenges of climate change, peacebuilding, and gender equality in crisis contexts, highlighting the role of technology and innovative programming in empowering women. 
The seven guidance notes and tip sheets incorporate recent updates to global policy frameworks with updated indicators and robust data sources. While primarily designed for UNDP practitioners, this resource is valuable for all partners in crisis and recovery settings. 



Тип ресурса: 
Учебный план, учебно-методические материалы и руководства
Право человека
Уровень образования: 
Обучение на протяжении всей жизни
Техническое и профессиональное образование и подготовка (ТПОП)
Ключевые слова: 
gender equality
Women's empowerment