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UNESCO Campus Birthday - "Human Rights Today" Special participation of Plantu
Дата события: 
Место проведения: 
Paris, France

CAMPUS BIRTHDAY - "HUMAN RIGHTS TODAY" will take place on December 12, 2017, from 10:00 to 12:00 at UNESCO Headquarters, 125 avenue de Suffren, 75007 Paris, Room IV.

During this anniversary CAMPUS, UNESCO and external speakers will take part in the debate with 300 students on the question of human rights in the current context.


We wanted to celebrate these 3 years of success by inviting past speakers and institutions loyal to the program to the public.
Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, gives us the honor to address a public introductory speech to this Anniversary CAMPUS.
A film about the 3 years of the CAMPUS will be screened.


Introduction speech by Director-General Ms Audrey Azoulay,
Plantu - will intervene and draw for the freedom of the press,
Shekéba Hachemi - Afghanistan's first female diplomat, founder of the NGO Afghanistan Libre will speak on women's rights and girls' education,
Konstantinos Tararas - Expert in Human Rights in Social Sciences at UNESCO,
Moderation will be handled by Christine Kelly - Journalist and President of the K Emergency Foundation.



To put the expertise of UNESCO teams and partners at the service of the youth for a better understanding of major contemporary issues. Young people exchange on different themes with experts on this issue. Moderation and one of the experts are from UNESCO, others are civil society voluntary speakers. Since 2014, 50 CAMPUSES raised awareness to 15,000 young people, on major themes such as sports and citizenship, peace, sustainable development, human rights, girls’ education, genocides, freedom of expression and cultural heritage.
The Campus program is supported by la Fondation d’Entreprise ENGIE.


Find more - https://en.unesco.org/campus-unesco

