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Herritartasun globalerako hezkuntza: Eztabaidak eta erronkak
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
Bilbao | 2009 | 120p
ISBN 978-84-89916-33-3
Miguel Argibay; Gema Celorio; Juanjo Celorio
Совместное авторство: 
Европа и Северная Америка

This publication is divided in four parts. The first part is a summary of the history of global citizenship and its role in education. It focuses on the education strategies put forth by the European Union to promote internal cohesion and responsible citizenship. The second part deals with education for development. It briefly describes the evolution of the concept and how in its last stage is a key element in the promotion of global citizenship. The third part presents an analysis on the specific requirements for Education for Global Citizenship, examples of experiences and implementation methods of pedagogical material on the subject. The last part proposes a regional study on formal, non formal and informal education in the Basque region.

Тип ресурса: 
Международные нормативные документы / политика и адвокационные документы
Общество / гражданство / демократия
Разнообразие / культурная грамотность / никлюзивность
Право человека
Глобализация и социальная справедливость / международное взаимопонимание
Ключевые слова: 
international education
global citizenship education
civic education