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Share your favourite transformative learning practices with Bridge 47 community!
© Bridge 47

As part of the work around the global Network, Bridge 47 is now preparing a publication on Transformative Learning for Powerful Networks that will offer a collection of case studies of examples of meaningful change brought about by global citizenship education and transformative learning practices. 


The 10 selected case studies will come from the work of organisations, initiatives and movements from all over the world, including, but not limited to, the members of the Bridge 47 network. The publication will present five case studies of implementation of educational approaches that focus on bringing about deep learning and change for involved individual participants and participating communities. The publication will also feature five examples of how GCE/transformative learning methods can be productively used for organisational transformation and/or meaningful community engagement. 


If you believe that you know of an organisation (other than your own) whose transformative practices you believe deserve to be noticed, please let us know about them through filling out this short questionnaire. We are particularly interested in identifying candidates from the Bridge 47 Network, but we are also happy to receive any other suggestions. 


Limitations of space prevent us from including all the suggestions, but for those that we will not be able to include in the printed publication we will create entries about them in the Bridge 47 online library.


Please share your case studies here. Deadline for submissions is 26 April. 


If you have any further questions, please direct them to Rene Suša at renesusa@gmail.com


