The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) has published the summary report on Addressing Global Citizenship Education in Adult Learning and Education (ALE) in partnership with UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). In regard to GCED in ALE the publication looks at the developments, gaps and challenges in Finland, Mauritania, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, and Uruguay and highlights a number of good practices in the field. As the role of ALE and GCED has been emphasized in realizing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, it aims to raise awareness of the significance of GCED in ALE and to inspire various stakeholders to develop and strengthen this field of education.
Part I: Thematic Studies
Global citizenship education(GCED): Conceptual considerations
Realizing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: The role of GCED in ALE
ALE’s contribution to fostering GCED
Literacy: The foundation of ALE and GCED
- Contribution of adult literacy programmes to GCED outcomes
- GCED in ALE: Global trends and outcomes
Professionalization of adult educators in GCED
- Competency framework for adult educators in GCED
- Curriculum framework for adult educators in GCED
- Examples of curricula for adult educators
Conclusion on the thematic studies
Part II: Case Studies
GCED in ALE: Case studies from the five UNESCO regions
- State of the art of ALE in the five countries
- Legal frameworks and discourse
- Selected ALE programmes and mechanisms that touch on GCED in the case studies
- Professionalizing ALE educators as a means of fostering GCED in ALE: examples
- Key outcomes of the country case studies
- Addendum: GCED in ALE as a response to acute need - The BEF Alpha programme
Conclusion and way forward