The suspension of in-person classes as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected the education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and compromised the achievements reached around the goals established in the SDG4-Education 2030 Agenda. The most vulnerable people have been the most affected by this situation, which widened the preexisting gaps. The countries of the region have carried out great efforts to guarantee the continuity of learning. However, these have been limited by the challenges that this unprecedented crisis brought, aggravated by unequal conditions in access to infrastructure and other resources that affect broad sectors of the population.
This report analyzes the possibilities, restrictions and needs that the countries of the region will face during the process of returning to in-person classes, considering five dimensions: (i) safe schools (school infrastructure, access to water and sanitation); (ii) human resources (principals and teachers); (iii) access to ITC and connectivity; (iv) education financing and (v) information and planning.