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Global Citizenship Education in a Digital Age: Teacher Guidelines
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
Paris | 2024 | 60 p.
ISBN 978-92-3-100658-6
Autor corporativo: 
© UNESCO 2024

This book is an essential resource for teachers seeking to understand the critical role that digital citizenship education plays in promoting a more informed, engaged, and responsible global citizenry. While digital technologies have opened up new opportunities for life-long learning, they have also given rise to emerging concerns, notably in relation to the rise of disinformation and hate speech online. Aimed at building the capacities of teachers to prepare learners to act ethically and responsibly in physical and digital environments, these guidelines stress the importance of considering how Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and related knowledge, values, skills and attitudes can be fostered for teaching, learning and engaging for a more sustainable, inclusive, just and peaceful world.

Tipo de recurso: 
Planes de estudios, material didáctico y guías
Cívico / ciudadanía / democracia
Globalización y justicia social / Entendimiento internacional
Desarrollo sostenible / sostenibilidad
Alfabetización mediática e informacional / ciudadanía digital
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Educación no formal
Palabras claves: 
civic education
international education
critical thinking
Information literacy
media education