The State of Global Education in Europe reports on policy, strategy and funding for Global Education in European countries, based primarily on information submitted by the ministries, agencies and national coordinating bodies that participate in GENE (Global Education Network Europe). This third edition of the report identifies thematic trends and crosscutting issues and explores funding levels for Global Education across Europe. It also includes a chapter outlining some of the work done on evaluation across GENE, and concludes with a selection of highlights from the network. There are examples of national policy and practice throughout the report.
This report on the State of Global Education in Europe has been developed to provide an overview of current key issues, policy priorities, funding trends and activities in Global Education in Europe. It draws on the expertise and information provided by organisations that participate in Global Education Network Europe – GENE. These comprise Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Education, and their respective national agencies, and other bodies with responsibility for policymaking, support or coordination of Global Education in European countries.