On 26 October 2018 in Nur-Sultan, the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan jointly with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Kazakhstan Council on International Relations, with support from the Institute of Diplomacy under the Academy of Public Administration and the Public Opinion Research Institute co-organized an international conference entitled “New Challenges and Approaches to Regional and Global Security in Central Asia”. This compendium, which includes presentations given at the conference by both Kazakhstan’s and foreign participants, explores main regional security threats in Central Asia and ways to address these problems, as well as regional co-operation issues in responding to contemporary challenges. The edition will be of interest to political scientists, international relations experts, civil servants, scholars, educators, university-level students, and broad sections of the public interested in the contemporary development of the region. The edition is published in Russian and English. The paper of Mr. Pal Dunay is written in the English language in the original, the rest of the reports are in Russian. All reports have been translated and edited with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Nur Sultan. Any opinions and recommendations expressed in the materials arising from the conference are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the conference organizers.