Climate change is an ongoing process that, at the current pace of such activities, cannot be avoided. Tools have been proposed to deal with climate change focus on adaptation and mitigation. Strengthening national and international awareness of and commitment to reducing the impact of climate change has become the only viable option to ensure the sustainability of life on Earth.
The Paris Agreement entered into force in 2016 with the aim of bringing all nations together in a common goal of combating climate change and adapting to its impacts. According to the Agreement, every party should submit a climate plan laying out its adaptation and mitigation targets. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has the potential to play significant roles in these plans. The smooth transition to green societies and economies relies on amongst others the knowledge, skills and competencies to promote sustainable development. Effective education and training for sustainable development pivots on governance and vision, and the ability to empower people in an inclusive manner to act in favour of sustainable development. It also relies on the ability to train, upskill, reskill and empower those that can take advantage of the job growth and job creation potential in a changing economy.
This discussion paper compiles and reviews relevant information regarding the country submissions (Nationally Determined Contributions and National Communications) which lay out adaptation plans and the policies created in fifty-seven selected countries. The aim is to summarize key information that can help assess the ongoing and potential contribution of TVET to the realization of these plans. The analysis made through this discussion paper has helped to generate a set of approaches for climate change adaption, through the education and training lens. These approaches can be used to advance the discussion in strengthening the technical and vocational skills development component in country climate adaptation plans.