현재 위치


Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Skills Development
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Paris; Bonn | 2021 | 55 p.
ISBN 978-92-3-100446-9
Kelly Shiohira
단체 저자: 
전 세계 대상

The era of artificial intelligence is young in years but advanced in impact. Intermediate skill jobs as we know them are fast disappearing as their tasks are systematically automated, and individuals are increasingly likely to encounter AI technology in their everyday lives. In fact, fifty percent of organizations worldwide report using some form of AI in their operations.

It is clear that AI has broad implications for the whole of humanity, and therefore on the education and training institutions that equip lifelong learners with the skills to navigate both work and society. A wide range of institutions and other stakeholders have risen to the challenge through research and innovative programmes, paving the way for a better understanding of AI’s potential – and its pitfalls.

This paper synthesizes research on current trends, programmes, policies and uses of AI related to technical and vocational education and training across six continents, covering developing and developed contexts, as a resource for stakeholders invested in the future of intermediate-level workers and TVET. Lecturers, students, administrators, policymakers, programme implementers and lifelong learners are invited to examine current practices, opportunities and challenges raised by AI, and recommendations to build a future-ready education and training system.


자료 타입: 
연구 보고서 / 학술논문
미디어정보 리터러시 / 디지털 시민성
교육 분야: 