The international symposium on competences of global citizens, entitled Becoming a Global Citizen, was held in Espoo, Finland on 5 – 7. October, 2011. The symposium was organized by the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE), the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, GENE (Global Education Network Europe) and the Hanasaari Swedish- Finnish Cultural Centre.
The symposium focused on three main questions, namely:
• what is global education?
• what are key competences of global citizens in general education?
• how can the priorities of global education be supported nationally?
This publication contains the proceedings and main information gathered in the symposium. From Finland’s point of view the Symposium provided a substantial contribution to the publication called Schools Reaching out to a Global World. The publication comprises several articles on competencies of global citizens serving the next curricular reform of the entire general education sector for Finland, to be fully implemented by 2016. From the international perspectives the Symposium meant a most relevant input into the pan-European debate on perspectives for Global Education.