Human rights are an important topic in Islamic law, which was addressed by many researchers in their writings. Islam laid down controls with respect to the respect and preservation of human dignity and untouched.However, this research compiled the human rights in the balance of Sharia briefly and then compared it with the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution Issued in 1791 to demonstrate the greatness of Islamic law and preceded by all modern legislation in urging respect for and preservation of human dignity, and surrounded by guarantees to ensure that human rights, regardless of color or gender.
The Ministry of Interior of the United Arab Emirates has adopted these principles through the values it adopted in launching the strategic plan 2011-2013 through the second value of justice and human rights, and the research concluded a set of results, including the recognition of Islam to the right to a fair trial, and protect it from all Dominating or arbitrary in the implementation of the proceedings against him, is not tortured and detract from his offer or ability, as stipulated in the US Constitution document section VI and VIII.
The study emphasized the importance of observing social, political and ideological human rights such as the right to life, the right to liberty, the right to equality, the right to justice, the right to protect their privacy, the right to build a family, the rights of a wife, the rights of a child, the right of a shepherd, the right to a fair trial, the right to protection from arbitrary power, the right to protection from torture and the right to an individual. The protection of his presentation and reputation, the right of the individual to political asylum, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the rights of minorities in Islamic societies, the right to participate in public life, the right to freedom of thought, belief and expression, the right to freedom of religion, the right to claim, communication and human rights In war, the division of wealth and the right to justice and the right to property and the right to protect the worker and the duty and the right to sufficiency of the necessities of life.