Political, economic, social, cultural and administrative, in addition to all forms of corruption, these underdeveloped societies in all fields, need to make optimal use of all financial, human and human resources in particular, without discrimination between males and females, especially since the category of women represents half of this society in terms of Demographic. Or more than that in some Arab societies that are experiencing increasing demographic growth for health and other social reasons, these societies do not believe much in the developmental and productive roles of women, but confine them to the reproductive, social and educational role in the Arab family circle and the issue becomes more complex, when we know that many of these States go beyond and exceed the texts of constitutions they have enacted and ratified, on the equal rights and duties of women and men and ignore the growing and growing roles of women in development.
To address this issue, I proceed from a basic problem: What are the most important obstacles and challenges facing the issues of political participation and political empowerment of women in the Arab world and what are the mechanisms of treatment? In the light of this problem, I formulate the following hypotheses: The first hypothesis: The most important obstacles and challenges facing the issues of political participation and political empowerment of women in the Arab world are the political, economic, cultural, media, legal, administrative, and privacy of women. The second hypothesis: The treatment mechanisms come from the same nature and sources of obstacles and challenges.