현재 위치


Media Literacy at Your Library: Learning and Prototyping Report
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Chicago | 2018 | 12 p.
단체 저자: 
American Library Association (ALA)
유럽 및 북미

Media Literacy at Your Library was a project of the American Library Association (ALA) in collaboration with the Center for News Literacy at Stony Brook University (CNL), supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Democracy Fund, and the Rita Allen Foundation as part of the Knight Prototype Fund.
Through this project, ALA sought to address a critical need in the field for adult media literacy education, with a focus on news literacy. The goal of the prototype project was to develop media literacy training and complementary resources designed to prepare public library professionals to educate their adult patrons to be informed media consumers.
Following a one-day training led by CNL, teams from five public libraries took on the challenges of creating innovative media literacy programs serving their distinct communities. With the goal of making the CNL news literacy curriculum more broadly accessible to the library field, the teams also offered feedback on a series of online trainings based on the in-person training they attended. These five library teams guided and informed ALA and CNL’s understanding and development of prototype resources over the course of the project.


자료 타입: 
컨퍼런스 및 프로그램 보고서
미디어정보 리터러시 / 디지털 시민성
교육 분야: 
Media literacy
Media literacy education
Adult learning
News literacy