현재 위치


무형유산을 통해 키우는 세계시민성: 2023 아태지역 무형유산 교수학습계획안
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
서울; 방콕; 전주 | 2023 |
단체 저자: 
유네스코 아시아태평양 국제이해교육원(APCEIU); 유네스코 방콕; 유네스코아태무형유산센터(ICHCAP)
아시아 태평양 지역

유네스코 아태교육원은 2020년부터 유네스코 방콕사무소와 유네스코아태무형유산센터(ICHCAP)와 협력하여 「아시아태평양 교실에서 만나는 무형유산 사업」을 수행하였다. 이 사업의 일환으로, <2023 아태지역 무형유산 교수학습계획안 공모전 >을 개최하였으며, 총 10개국(네팔, 말레이시아, 베트남, 부탄, 싱가포르, 인도, 인도네시아, 중국, 필리핀, 한국)의 18개 교수학습계획안을 모범사례로 최종 선정하였다. 다음은 수상작 목록이다.


- Saykha Offering (Subject: English), Tsirangtoe Central School, Bhutan

- Setting Up a Herbarium, Learning about Medicinal Herbs and their Cultural and Traditional Uses in the Community (Subject: Science/Grades 7–9), Zilukha Middle Secondary School, Bhutan

- Shamanistic Worship and Propitiation to the Spirits (Subject: Bhutan History and Civics and Citizenship Education/Grade 8), Bajothang Higher Secondary School, Bhutan

- Beauty of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Subject: Foundations of College Art Education/ Freshman Year), Anhui Medical University, China

- The Folk Custom of Building the Peace Kiln for the Mid-Autumn Festival in Jingdezhen (Subject: Mathematics/Grade 7), Jingdezhen No.13 Secondary School, China - When Xiabu Meets Batik (Subject: Art/Grade 5–6), ChongQing Shuren Primary School, China

- Agricultural Practices (Subject: Biology/Grade 8), Paramita Heritage School, India

- Living Heritage – Quilting in the Kalbelia Community of Rajasthan (Subject: Social Science/Grade 9), St. Stephen's Senior Secondary School, India

- My City: Varanasi (Subject: Environmental Studies/Grade 2), Sunbeam School Lahartara, India - Bringing Back the Javanese Saka Calendar through Ethnomathematics (Subject: Mathematics/Grade 7–12), Binus School Bekasi, Indonesia

- Song, Play, and Dance (Subject: Interdisciplinary for Indonesian Language, Balinese Culture, Music and Physical Education/Grade 3), Green School Bali, Indonesia

- Teaching Sound Wave with Sundanese Traditional Instruments (Subject: Physics/Grade 8), Binus School Bekasi, Indonesia

- Wau – The Malays Traditional Kite: Introduction, Wau Bulan Appreciation, Wau Making and Flying Workshop and Wau Corner (Subject: Traditional Games/Grades 4–5), SMU (A) Tarbiah Islamiah (SABK), Malaysia

- Himalayan Aromatic Incense-Making and Meditation Workshop (Subject: Economics and Social Studies/ Grades 8–9, 11–12), Pragati Pathshala, Nepal

- Influence of Biodiversity on the Stability of Ecosystems (Subject: Science/Grade 10), Philippine Normal University Mindanao, The Philippines

- Understanding the Nature of Religion: From the Perspective of the Tripeople (Christians, Muslims, & Lumads) of Kidapawan City, North Cotabato (Subject: Humanities and Social Sciences/Grade 12), Kidapawan City National High School, The Philippines

- Bongsan Talchum that Helps the Community Become More Sustainable (Subject: Korean Language and Literature, Social Studies, P.E., Arts/Grade 6), Kimje Buk Elementary School, Republic of Korea

- Exploring Community Gardens – How and why are they so precious to humans? (Subject: Geography/Grade 9), Admiralty Secondary School, Singapore

자료 타입: 
교육과정, 교수학습 자료∙가이드
시민 / 시민성 / 민주주의
다양성 / 문화 이해력 / 포용성
지속가능한 발전 / 지속가능성
교육 분야: 
Intangible heritage
global citizenship