After nearly 50 years, UNESCO is in the process of revising “the 1974 Recommendation”. The revision aims to ensure the sustained relevance of the Recommendation within the evolving global and educational landscape in the face of contemporary and future threats to peace, and notably included the concept of ‘global citizenship’. Recognising its profound significance, SangSaeng No. 60 focuses on the theme of “Renewing. Our Commitment through the Revision of the 1974 Recommendation” to delve into the intrinsic value and significance underpinning the revision of this normative instrument.
03 Editor's Note
04 Special Column
Peace Educators Reflect on Revision of 1974 Recommendation / Betty Reardon & Tony Jenkins
Renewing Our Commitment to Build a Culture of Peace through Education / Toh Swee-Hin
12 FOCUS: Renewing Our Commitment through Revision of the 1974 Recommendation
Highly Capable, Profoundly Human / Elisa Guerra
Revisiting UNESCO 1974 Recommendation / Bert J. Tuga & Edward Shiener S. Landoy
Creatively Innovative Thinking for 21st Century / Patrice Ssembirige
Observations on Revision of 1974 Recommendation / Rilli Lappalainen
26 Special Report
What You Need to Know about Revision of 1974 Recommendation / UNESCO and APCEIU
28 Best Practices
Tell Me About My Planet / Elvira Sarsenova
Crucial Strategy to Mainstream GCED in Education / Rebecca Rosario Bercasio
36 Story Time
Bringing GCED to Life Through the Power of Social Impact Films / Virginia Pittaro
40 Understanding the Asia-Pacific Region
Mosaic of Sri Lankan Cultural Life / Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri
Youth Addressing Pressing Social Issues / Umair Mushtaq & Anna Susarenco
48 Letter
Butterfly Effect of Embracing Opportunities / Khalifa Affnan
50 APCEIU in Action