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What is Genocide? (Arabic Edition)
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
الرياض | 2017 | 384 p.
Martin Shaw
Совместное авторство: 
Obeikan Publishing

This book translated into Arabic, written by Martin Shaw, in which he talks about genocide, its roots and where it occurred. The book is an original reference in matters of genocide.
This fully revised edition of Martin Shaw’s classic, award-winning text proposes a way through the intellectual confusion surrounding genocide. In a thorough account of the idea’s history, Shaw considers its origins and development and its relationships to concepts like ethnic cleansing and politicide. Offering a radical critique of the existing literature on genocide, he argues that what distinguishes genocide from more legitimate warfare is that the ‘enemies’ targeted are groups and individuals of a civilian character. He vividly illustrates his argument with a wide range of historical examples - from the Holocaust to Rwanda and Palestine to Yugoslavia - and shows how the question ‘What is genocide?’ matters politically whenever populations are threatened by violence.


Тип ресурса: 
Учебный план, учебно-методические материалы и руководства
Предотвращение насильственного экстремизма / геноцид
Уровень образования: 
Неформальное образование