Today, humanity is faced with various multifaceted challenges such as climate change, increasing inequality, hate speech and racial discrimination. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has crudely manifested those problems and further highlighted the acute need for concerted efforts to address them. In this context, SangSaeng No. 57 focuses on “Addressing Hate Speech and Racial Discrimination through Education” to provide readers with opportunities to reflect on these salient issues.
03 Editor’s Note
04 Special Column
From Hatred to Reconciliation - Learning from Rwanda / Freddy Mutanguha
08 FOCUS: Addressing Hate Speech and Racial Discrimination through Education
08 Confronting Hate Speech - Thoughts, Challenges, Proposals from Educational Perspective / Gabriela Martini Armengol
12 Missing Link in Global Citizenship Education – Taking into Account Identities, Alterities and Citizenships Hurt by Systemic and Chronic Racism / Gina Thesee
16 Moving from Hate and Discrimination to Greater Humanity – Increasing Need for Empathy Education / Pat Dolan
19 But What Can I Do? - Educational Responses to Hate Speech / Felisa Tibbitts
23 Best Practices
23 Learning Democracy at Utoya - Young People’s Response to Hate and Extremism / Ingrid Aspelund
26 Combatting Hate Speech – Experiences and Lessons from South Sudan / Marina Modi
29 Special Report
29 Setting out Priorities for Addressing Hate Speech Through Educationt - Highlights of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum and Global Education Ministers Conference on Addressing Hate Speech through Education / UNESCO
32 Call for Global Action towards Transforming the World through Education - Highlights of the 5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education / APCEIU and UNESCO
35 Story Time
Grandfather’s Funeral / Sudipa Charkraverty
38 Peace in My Memory
Peace Turned into Pain / An anonymous contributor from Afghanistan
42 Understanding the Asia and the Pacific
Mha Puja, Practicing Respect / Sharareh Bajracharya and Sanjeev Maharjan
45 Youth Network
Youth Tackling Hate Speech and Racial Discrimination / GCED Youth Network Core Team
48 Letter
Reflections on Hate Speech and GCED / Sengpapah Holanouphab
50 APCEIU in Action