Gender equality is a purpose from educational policies aimed to eliminating sociocultu-ral inequalities that limit the exercise of children's rights. At present, gender stereotypes that legitimize the roles exercised by girls and boys that limit the forms of participation persist, promoting different levels of exclusion in school life. The objective of this work is to analyze the perceptions of a group of sixth grade students, about how they consider they should participate in school dynamics due to their gender condition, to detect tho-se stereotypes that influence the practice of their participation. A descriptive study was carried out using a Likert-type questionnaire to 64 students. The results show that gen-der stereotypes are reproduced that provide children with greater ease and freedom to express themselves, as well as to make decisions. Modifications in the care roles were also identified, within which, they begin to have greater interference. In parallel, it was found that these stereotypes represent structural difficulties for the self-recognition of the par-ticipatory capacities of girls. It is recommended to take participation as a fundamental element for the exercise of citizenship in gender equality.