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Evaluation of UNESCO’s Action to Prevent Violent Extremism
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
Paris | 2020 | 46 p.
المؤلف المشارك: 
UNESCO Internal Oversight Service
جميع دول العالم

The purpose of this evaluation was twofold. To provide evidence, ideas and insights on how UNESCO’s efforts on PVE in the period from 2015-2018 have contributed to enhancing UNESCO’s action and position in the PVE sphere in light of the decisions of Member States. And to provide evidence and formulate lessons learned and good practices on the intersectoral approach with the aim of informing what works and what does not work in intersectoral cooperation.
The evaluation found that UNESCO’s work on PVE was context specific and adjusted to respond to the needs of the countries and sub-regions where the work was being implemented.
UNESCO’s work is aligned with the agency’s mandate and expertise and makes the most of its strong relationships with government bodies and civil society actors. UNESCO’s work on PVE has led to positive results around the quality, use and effectiveness of guidance documents, around capacity building of UNESCO partners and stakeholders, and around the provision of expertise and policy advice both at national and global level. Using an intersectoral approach led to an increase in information sharing and coordination. However, this was not always translated to intersectoral implementation or delivery of PVE initiatives.


نوع المصدر: 
الصكوك المعيارية العالمية/وثائق السياسات والدعوة
تقارير المؤتمر والبرنامج
السلام / ثقافة السلام
منع التطرف العنيف / الإبادة الجماعية
مستوى التعليم: 
التعليم غير الرسمي
الكلمات المفتاحية: 
preventing violent extremism