The webinar in Portuguese entitled Educação, democracia e desigualdades intends to discuss the role of education in building more democratic and less unequal societies. This webinar is part of the FUNDEB and educational inequalities series of webinars. Its objective is to strengthen the public debate on instruments for monitoring and evaluating the right to education, a central social right for developing the country and its citizens. It also intends to discuss proposals for new educational indicators.
The event will count on the following participants: The Director and Representative of UNESCO in Brazil, Marlova Noleto as the moderator of the event; Rebeca Otero, the Coordinator of the Education Sector at UNESCO in Brazil, as the event presenter. Carlos Mussi, Director of CEPAL in Brazil as the principal lecturer. The discussion participants will be Marcia Lima, Professor of the Department of Sociology (USP) and Coordinator of the African Research Nucleo on Race, Gender and Racial Justice of the Brazilian Centre of Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), Marcelo Néri, the Director of FGV Social, and Getúlio Marques, Rio Grande do Norte State Secretary of Education and Representative of the National Council of Secretaries of Education (CONSED).
About FUNDEB and educational inequalities series of webinars
The leading indicator of results on basic education development in Brazil (Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica - IDEB), is nearing its end, by setting targets to be released in 2022. The Fund for maintaining and developing basic education and for valuing the education professionals (Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação - Fundeb), approved in 2020, predicts the creation of a new indicator that should propose a cycle of educational assessment policies and monitoring results not considered by IDEB, intending to reduce inequalities.
UNESCO in Brazil, in partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), the Public Policy Study Centre of the State University of Campinas (NEPP/UNICAMP), the Singularidades Institute and the Centre for Research on School Inequalities (NUPEDE) of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (FAE/UFMG), has organized the series of webinars entitled FUNDEB and educational inequalities to discuss these changes in monitoring education in the country.