Transformative Education: Bridging Education for Change
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación:
Helsinki | 2021 | 29 p.
Jana Arbeiter; Maja Bučar
Autor corporativo:
Bridge 47
Europa y América del Norte
This publication suggests that improvements in the areas of coordination, cooperation, awareness raising and capability development are needed, as outlined in the recommendations below.
Policies and strategies at national, regional and global level should adopt overarching visions for transformative education in the form of overarching strategies for SDG Target 4.7.
Mechanisms for coordination and collaboration between the different components of SDG Target 4.7 should be established at national, regional and global levels.
Awareness of the role of transformative education and SDG Target 4.7 in contributing to more just and sustainable futures should be raised jointly between the different components of SDG Target 4.7.
Opportunities for capacity building and upskilling of practitioners and learners linked to transformative education should be enabled and created at national, regional and global levels.