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East Asia regional technical consultation meeting on SDG4 regional benchmarks
Fecha del evento: 
Mar, 2021/03/30
Lugar del encuentro: 
Online (Beijing)

UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office for East Asia and UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) jointly organize an East Asia regional technical consultation meeting on SDG4 regional benchmarks to initiate discussions with cluster countries of Beijing Office on the processes and approaches of SDG4 benchmarks and agree on the benchmark indicators and their levels. The on-going SDG4 localization and alignment process at country level must be aligned with relevant indicators.


The consultation will contribute to the effectiveness and responsiveness of the SDG 4 monitoring in the respective East Asian countries.


The Education 2030 Framework for Action called on countries to establish “appropriate intermediate benchmarks (e.g. for 2020 and 2025)” for the SDG indicators, seeing them as “indispensable for addressing the accountability deficit associated with longer-term targets” (§28), a request that remains unrealized. In 2019, the Technical Cooperation Group (TCG) for SDG 4 Indicators, whose purpose was is to develop the SDG 4 monitoring framework, agreed at its 6th meeting on a set of seven indicators to be benchmarked of data and policy relevance.


The Regional Roadmap for the SDG4- Education 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific (2015-2030) has specific focus on strengthening monitoring capacities of the countries and also monitor the progress of the goal at monitoring at regional level. The proposed benchmark indicators are very much relevant for the roadmap and could help the region to effectively monitor the progress of SDG4.


The interim benchmarks that the UNESCO UIS have are promoting for are to supported all the regions to develop regional and national benchmarks following various approaches.  The regional partners and Member States need to look carefully into these benchmark indicators, their values, and their relevancy for regional and national level. In this regard, a technical consultation is planned to discuss with member states of East Asia Region (China, DPRK, Japan, Mongolia and ROK) on the processes and approaches of benchmarks and agree on the benchmark indicators and their levels.


The overall objective of the Regional Benchmarking Consultation on SDG 4 is to review the proposed benchmark indicators and approaches used to set the levels of benchmarks and collect inputs and comments for finalization. The consultation will also discuss to expand the scope of the benchmark indicators and will discuss additional indicators that could be of interest for the of the sub region. The major outcome of the sub-regional consultation is to empower and equip the national experts and technical officer with the skills in developing and aligning the SDG4 global and regional Indicators and benchmarking.


The consultation will be held online with the participation officials from Ministry of Education and national statistical offices from East Asian countries who are responsible for education data collection and monitoring and reporting. Regional experts on education indicators and monitoring will also participate at the consultation.


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