The UNESCO Climate Change Initiative was launched by Director-General Irina Bokova in Copenhagen during the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP15). It seeks to reinforce the scientific, mitigation and adaptation capacities of countries and communities that are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. It focuses on a select number of strategic issues in line with The UN System Delivering as One on Climate Change action plan and The UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change. The Initiative is based on four thematic areas: scientific, educational, environmental and ethical. Key objectives will be achieved through intersectoral and interdisciplinary cooperation, coordinated field activities, and networking. Special attention is given to UNESCO’s two global priorities, Africa and gender equality, as well as to the increased vulnerability of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The UN System “Delivering as One” on Climate Change During the 13th session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC in Bali, Indonesia, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon presented an unprecedented coordination effort to bring together all the diverse perspectives, expertise and strengths of the UN system so as to deliver as one in the critical area of climate change. The initiative brings together expertise and ongoing work in diverse areas ranging from science and technology to agriculture, transport, forestry and disaster risk reduction, to address both mitigation and adaptation. It brings together the normative, standard setting and knowledge sharing capacities of the system with its operational reach in order to support the most vulnerable. The overall objective is to maximize existing synergies, eliminate duplication and overlap, and optimize the impact of the collective effort of the UN system. To ensure better coordination, convening responsibilities were assigned to UN system entities with a large volume of activities in the five focus areas and four cross-cutting areas. Focus areas ㆍAdaptation – High-Level Committee on Programmes collectively ㆍ Technology transfer – UNIDO, UN-DESA ㆍReduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) – UNDP, FAO, UNEP ㆍ Financing mitigation and adaptation action – UNDP, World Bank Group ㆍCapacity building – UNDP, UNEP Cross-cutting areas ㆍClimate knowledge: science, assessment, monitoring and early warning – WMO, UNESCO ㆍSupporting global, regional and national action – UN-DESA, UN Regional Commissions, UNDP ㆍClimate-neutral UN – UNEP ㆍPublic awareness – UNCG, UNEP.