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COVID-19: Momentum for Transformative Education and Systemic Change?
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The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives and the world upside down in a very short time. Historically seen profound crises bear an enormous potential for systemic change. Since this change can go either in a utopian or dystopian direction, actors of progressive change and transformative education are more in demand than ever. But how can our educational work and activism make an important contribution to dealing with and learning from the crisis?


We invite you to join our online workshop on "COVID-19: Momentum for Transformative Education and Systemic Change” on 10 June, 15:30-18:00 CEST (including a break).


Two short impulses open some perspectives and questions on systemic change, transformative learning and active global citizenship education in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.


Speakers: Timo Holthoff (VENRO/Bridge 47) and Shermaine Barrett (Vice President International Council for Adult Education and Dean at the University of Technology Jamaica)


We will exchange views on how the COVID-19 crisis is changing the content and direction of our educational work, or how we can and want to change it:


  • Which positive opportunities for change and transformative learning arise from the crisis and how do we use and foster them?
  • What risks, side effects and conflicts arise from the crisis, and how do we deal with them?
  • How can education accompany the individual and collective learning experiences made during the crisis and put them into a larger context?
  • How do we talk about the COVID-19 pandemic? What narratives can our educational work create for dealing generatively with the crisis?
  • How are we as civil society doing, what can we demand of ourselves in these times? How do we take care of ourselves and each other?


In small groups we will exchange views on these questions and share what further ideas arise with regards to our educational work. We offer this online workshop as an exchange and networking opportunity, but also a space to reflect on our collective and individual learnings.


To participate in the online workshop, please register via the following link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvduytrTMvEtJ9Y4jmF6gD8eBkji7qqZ3h


The Bridge 47 Network invites all of you to actively participate with ideas, reflections and comments! The workshop is free of charge, open to anyone, however spaces are limited!


If you have any questions, please contact Alen (alen.maletic@bridge47.org) or Ricarda (ricarda.motschilnig@bridge47.org)


