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Educating for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future
Дата события: 
02.12.2019 - 04.12.2019
Место проведения: 


When, local time:  Monday, 2 December 2019 - 4:00pm to Wednesday, 4 December 2019 - 6:00pm
Where:  Tunisia, Hammamet
Type of Event:  Consultative Meeting
Contact:  ccngo-ED2030@unesco.org


Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are at the forefront of initiatives for inclusion, advocating for those most marginalized.
The 9th Global Meeting of the CCNGO-Education 2030 will build on CSOs experiences and strong commitments towards inclusion and equity in the achievement of SDG 4.

Discussions at the Meeting will inform the following: 

•Influencing the Education 2030 Agenda
•Policy action
•Advocacy action
•Capacity and research
•Thematic panels:
•Influencing legislative change
•Quality and relevance
•Lifelong learning
•Provision of education in contexts of conflict and crisis 
•Civil society space
•The digital divide 


