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High-Level Debate on the Ocean and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water
Дата события: 
Место проведения: 
Online (New York)

The President of the General Assembly will convene a high-level thematic debate on the ocean and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, at United Nations Headquarters in New York. With the support of the Governments of Portugal and Kenya – co-hosts of the 2nd United Nations Ocean Conference, as well as H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Oceans, this gathering will serve as a drumbeat to generate momentum towards the Conference in Lisbon, when public health safety measures allow.


 It has been more than three years since the first UN Ocean Conference. With the second Conference still delayed due to the ongoing pandemic, and four SDG14 targets having matured in 2020, Member States and the international community will benefit from a progress update on the achievement of SDG14, and the ocean related goals. As such, the President of the General Assembly will convene a high-level thematic debate at United Nations Headquarters on 1 June 2021, to support the positive momentum of implementation of SDG14.


Where to watch: Watch the High-level thematic debate on the ocean and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water at http://webtv.un.org/ 


Registration: Non-Governmental Stakeholders are asked to register their participation by 25th May, 2021 at https://bit.ly/OceanHLDStakeholders


More infromation:  https://www.un.org/pga/75/ocean/


