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UNESCO fast-tracking girls’ and women’s education
Дата события: 
Место проведения: 
Paris, France


Too many girls and women are still held back by social norms and traditional school practices infl­uencing their educational right and opportunities. But we know that their education is the most powerful investment to make for our collective future.


Her education, our future is UNESCO’s new drive to accelerate action for girls’ and women’s education by leveraging political and financial commitments, as well as leadership for women and girls. It will contribute to the UNESCO Strategy for Gender Equality in and through Education (2019-2025) and its three pillars aiming for better data to inform action for gender equality in and through education; better legal, policy and planning frameworks to advance rights; and better-quality learning opportunities to empower.  


Her education, our future will be launched on 5 July 2019 at the G7 France-UNESCO International Conference Innovating for girls’ and women’s empowerment through education.



Join #HerEducationOurFuture and be a part of our collective movement to advance girls’ and women’s education.






