© Unsplash / Favour Otunji (original visual)
As you can imagine, racism occurs all the time and everywhere.
Have you been a bystander or a victim yourself? We invite you to share your experience. You can reduce racism through your own actions. We need to STOP racism together!
Tell us your story on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok!
Post a short video clip of 20 seconds up to one minute on your account. Show us how you deal with racism in everyday situations. Share your tips & inspire other people!
How to make your video stand out:
… And post it on your feed!
Make it global: invite your friends, classmates, relatives or neighbors to participate! Anyone can become an antiracism champion!
Use the tips at the bottom of this article.
The 10 best videos will be promoted via UNESCO social media platforms, and screened during UNESCO’s 2nd Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination from 28-29 November 2022 in Mexico City, Mexico.
This campaign is the initiative of UNESCO. It follows the success behind Finland’s Olen Antiracist campaign.
As the most used media of expression for young people, social networks provide valuable opportunities to share strong messages and call for action. Through these platforms, young people can learn and appreciate different perspectives and worldviews to better understand the world around them and contribute to changing mindsets. It can also help them to raise awareness among their peers and have a real impact.
The campaign is aligned with the efforts of the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO to address the ‘Global Call against Racism’.
It is also organized in the context of UNESCO’s overall work to fight racism and discrimination since 70 years along with the annual Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination, the Master Class Series against Racism and Discriminations and the Routes of Enslaved Peoples project.
(from Finland’s campaign How to tackle racism)
1. Identify the racist situation
A racist situation can arise without targeting any particular individual. You may hear a racist joke or remark at a family celebration or among friends with no minority member attending.
Racism may emerge anywhere, including at workplaces, on social media, while engaged in hobbies, on public transport, or at school.
Racist situations can also involve physical violence, so consider your own safety when tackling racism.
Remember that racism is also structural.
2. Support the person who is being targeted
Show the person that they are not alone. Talk to the person who was the target of racist harassment. Ask how you can help.
You can show support by approaching the individual and stand by them. Help them by escorting the person away from the situation.
In social media, you can send a message to the person who is experiencing racist harassment and show support by responding to their content.
3. Tackling a racist situation
Addressing a racist situation is not easy. Do not be afraid to fail. The main point is that you make an effort.
Calmly tell the perpetrators that their behaviour is not acceptable. Ask them to stop. Do not provoke them. Try to remain calm.
Ask other bystanders for help or support if you cannot tackle the situation yourself.
Call emergency services if the situation is threatening. If a police presence is not required, then you may also notify some other party responsible for public safety, such as a security guard or doorkeeper.
Act even if a racist joke or comment is not targeted at a particular person. Try to intervene at the moment. If you cannot because you are in a large crowd or feel uncomfortable, talk to the person in private.
4. Report racism
Racist behaviours should be reported further. This should begin by asking victims whether they would like to report the incident. You may offer support in the reporting process.
Reports may be sent to such parties as an event organiser, training provider, service provider, the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman or the police.
Racism on social media may be reported to the platform administrators.
5. Work against racism every day
You can act against racism even if you do not experience or face a racist incident.
You can help to build a society free of racism through your own actions every day.
Inform yourself about racism and antiracism. Develop yourself as an antiracist actor. Don’t be discouraged when you make mistakes, but learn from them.