The joint review of the goals of the Education 2030 agenda and global change accentuated by the emergence of a fourth industrial revolution highlights the need to rethink the concepts that have influenced education over the past forty years. This necessity is accompanied by a major challenge: that of giving a new meaning to these concepts, in the same way education systems, in a transformational and united perspective. The present document proposes a global reflection based on fifteen keys of analysis, in order to help define a vision of education and learning that is in line with the Education 2030 agenda examines the following aspects: 1) education as a reflection of the type of society targeted; 2) the state as guarantor of the right to education; 3) education as a cultural, social and economic ; 4) the characteristics and roles of education systems; 5) learning throughout life long; 6) education according to age groups; 7) inclusion as a basis for education systems; 8) education for global and local citizenship; 9) education for sustainable development ; 10) STEM training to build sustainable societies; 11) the relevance of the gender issue at a time of the democratization of society and education; 12) computer programming as a new challenge in the teaching of ICT; 13) the evolution of the relationship between training and work; 14) the trio formed by curricula, educational establishments and pedagogy; and 15) teachers as decision-makers.