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The Citizenship Values That Should Be Available in the Curricula of Faculty of Education from the Academic Staff Viewpoint : A Field Study on a Sample from the Academic Staff in Faculty of Education at Damascus University
Место публикации | Год издания | Компиляция: 
تركو، محمد | 2016 | p. 171-194
Damascus University
Совместное авторство: 
Faculty of Education, Damascus University
Арабские государства

This study aimed at at identifying the views of the teaching staff regarding the legal, political, and the community values of citizenship that must to be available in the curriculla of the  Education Faculty at Damascus University. The researcher used the anaalytical method and a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 50 teachers making 43% of the original community.

The responses varied between 'I strongly agree' and 'I agree to  legal, political, and the community values of citizenship that must  be available'...especially values of  rights and legal obligations and social values of citizenship that must be available, promoting democratic values, valuing martyrdom and martyrs, respecting the religous beliefs of others and staying away from racial and religous discrimation. There were no differences of statistical significance between the mean degrees of responses as per the variables of specializatiop, scientific degrees or years of experience. the researcher suggested that the curriclla of the Education Faculty be rewied and developed in order for them to contribute to the development of the legal, political and social values of citizenship among students, and that the views of the teaching staff are taken into consideration regarding the  citizenship values that must be available in order for them to prepare the students to assimilate the values efficiently and  effectively.

Тип ресурса: 
Учебный план, учебно-методические материалы и руководства
Исследовательские работы / журнальные статьи
Общество / гражданство / демократия
Разнообразие / культурная грамотность / никлюзивность
Уровень образования: 
Высшее образование